domingo, 13 de junio de 2021

Compilation of works on The Club of the Braves

Once we have read the book and/or watched the video of "The Club of the Brave", each class has creatively worked on the characters and scenes of the story.

Teacher Alicia García has held discussion groups from 4th to 6th grade. Thanks to the tool of egalitarian dialogue, the students have reached the following conclusions (Access the full document here):

No to violence, yes to dialogue.

In any context, when faced with a violent situation, it is always necessary to report it.

The brave one is the one who helps and raises the situation with an adult or their peers to try to solve it.

Violent situations should not be normalised.

After the reading and discussion, the students created different artistic creations. Below we share them with all of you.

4 YEARS "A" (Teacher Esther Paniagua): Brave Badges

4 YEARS "B" (Teacher Laura Nogales): Brave Badges

5 YEARS "B" (Teacher María José Díez): Brave Badges with the motto "Be brave, be paceful".

5th A (Teacher Rebeca Rivas Ortiz): Drawings.

5th "C" (Teacher Daniel Gallardo): Ilustrations.

5th "D/E" (Teachers Carmen Romero and Juan Antonio Rincón): A video with the drawings of the tale.

6th B (Teacher Cristina Sáez): Summaries, a comic book, a puppet theatre and a lapbook.

6th C (Teachers Inés Carretero and María Luisa Dávila): Reflections on reading.

The students selected the phrases that caught their attention and made reflections on them. By clicking on the image below, you will have access to their file.

Group reflection: "If there is no partnership, we cannot make a better world".

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