On 26th November we had the honour of participating as speakers of experiences recognised as good practices by the SEPIE, in a conference organised by the Department of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities of the Regional Government of Galicia. This was entitled "Internationalise your school. Erasmus+, eTwinning and other proposals. Course 2022-2023".
The event was held in the beautiful city of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) and we talked about the following topics:
✔ Brief description of CEIP Bilingüe Ciudad de Mérida.
✔ Involvement of teachers and pupils in Erasmus+ projects.
✔ Overcoming the difficulties encountered.
✔ Impact and benefits for the school.
✔ Improvement of the teaching digital competence.
✔ Our experience on the eTwinning platform.
1.- The different education actions of the European Framework Programme Erasmus+.
2.- The European School Education Platform.
We share our presentation below: